

– At CWVA, we manage different funding pots to help distribute grants to community sector organisations.

We also signpost organisations to the funding opportunities available locally and nationally. Below is a list of funding pots that are currently open for applications.

Anne Duchess of Westminster Fund

Closing Date: 20/09/2024

Amount: Up to £1,000


Small charities, voluntary and community organisations in west Cheshire are eligible to apply for a micro grant of up to £1,000 each for costs towards projects or activities supporting adults on one or more of the following themes: * Mental health and wellbeing * Community projects in disadvantaged areas * Isolation and loneliness * Learning, training and employment opportunities * Ill health and disability

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The Happiness Fund

Closing Date: 04/10/2024

Amount: £5,000


The Happiness Fund enables and supports projects which improve mental health, wellbeing, inclusion, learning and skills development in local communities. Ultimately it creates happier people and neighbourhoods.

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Cheshire Community Foundation’s Small Grants

Closing Date: 31/10/2024

Amount: Up to £2,500


Cheshire Community Foundation’s Small Grants are now open, closing on 31st October 2024. In this programme, organisations can apply for funding of up to £2,500 to help small, grassroots projects deliver. The Foundation will always prioritise applications for work which supports people who live in more deprived areas of Cheshire according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation.

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Greene King IPA – Proud to Pitch In

Closing Date: 01/11/2024

Amount: Up to £4,000


This fund aims to support and promote grassroots sport within local communities by supporting people and projects that run sports activities that positively impact the local community and would tangibly benefit from funding. Individuals may nominate a sports club or organisation to receive a cash grant to continue delivering sports activities.

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LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund

Closing Date: 21/11/2024

Amount: £100 to £25,000


Thanks to further funding from The National Lottery Community Fund - the largest community funder in the UK, Consortium and its Community Partners are delighted to deliver the second round of the LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund. This Fund has been enabled thanks to National Lottery players and will focus on supporting user-led LGBT+ organisations based in England, who are working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities.

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Steve Morgan Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Various amounts


The Steve Morgan Foundation provide a range of grants for organisations that make a positive difference to those in need. Areas of support include poverty, homelessness, health and wellbeing, education and training. They also provide smaller grants to individuals requiring specialised disability equipment.

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Sanctuary Partnerships Funding

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £2,000


Charities, community groups, residents’ associations and voluntary organisations can apply for funding. Average grant is £2000 Match funding is required Funding must be spent by 31 March 2025. Projects will fit within one of Sanctuary's five priority themes, which are: - Employment, education, skills and training - Health and Well Being - Community safety and Infrastructure - Environment - ‎Financial inclusion

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United Utilities Community Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £2,500


Do you have a community project or grassroots organisation that could benefit from this fund? United Utilities are offering up to £2,500 worth of equipment for groups that: - have a focus or objective to improve local watercourses and riverside environments - act as catalysts for improved community and environmental wellbeing​ - seek to reconnect communities with riverside environments​ - promote sustainable drainage​ through their work

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2024 Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund (Main Grants)

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £75,000


The funding aims to support the modernisation and improvement of village halls, so that they are fit for purpose and can provide activities which seek to achieve one or more of the following outcomes for their communities: · Improved health and/or wellbeing and/or reduction in rural loneliness. · Positive impact on the local environment, contributes towards net zero. · Support for the local rural economy. · Promotion of community cohesion.

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Sanctuary Housing – Sustainable Communities Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Discretionary


Sanctuary’s Community Investment Fund provides grants for community initiatives which make a difference to the lives of Sanctuary residents in England and Scotland. The aim of this fund is to help build resilience and connection between Sanctuary customers and their communities.

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Cost of Living Resilience Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £50,000


The Cost of Living Resilience Fund provides match funding for social sector organisations running services to help people struggling with the rising cost of living. The fund aims to increase sustainability in these organisations by supporting them to deliver projects which increase enterprise activity to build organisational stability and resilience. The programme is funded by Access – The Foundation for Social Investment who focus on ensuring charities and social enterprises can access the finance they need.

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London Hearts Internal Defibrillator Scheme

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £660


Applications are now open for London Hearts new UK Exclusive Internal Defibrillator Scheme. London Hearts has launched this scheme with the aim of increasing the number of AEDs to help save lives. As a charity they understand it is not always possible to install a public access Defibrillator and people’s needs differ within communities. The fund is moving far quicker than initially anticipated given the limited funding requirement, so they are allocating on a first come first basis as to avoid any disappointment. Anyone can apply.

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The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF) – Reaching Communities

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £20,001 or more


TNLCF fund projects and organisations that work to make positive changes in their community. By community they mean people living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences. They offer funding that starts at £20,001.

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Neighbourhood Planning grants

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £10,000


The programme provides both grant and technical support for local communities that are drawing up a neighbourhood plan for their area.

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Wickes Community Programme

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Unspecified


Wickes are passionate about giving back to local communities. That's why they launched The Wickes Community Programme, a dedicated product fund to support local initiatives in helping them maintain and renovate community areas. Open to all local community groups and charities seeking help for improvement projects, you can enquire via your local store or contact them on social media.

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Arnold Clark Community Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £2,500


The objectives of the fund are: - Cost of Living Support – funding to any registered UK charity or community group whose work directly supports those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis, such as foodbanks, accommodation, poverty relief and where people/communities in the UK are the primary and immediate focus of investment. - Our Communities Support – funding to projects embedded in the communities in which Arnold Clark operates and is available to organisations who provide services widely accessible to those within Arnold Clark local communities, addressing the needs of those living within them. - Gear Up for Sport – 150 sports kits given away each month to support youth sports teams across the UK. Any youth team with up to 30 members aged 4 to 15 years can apply.

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The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF) – Awards for All England

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £300 to £20,000


TNLCF offer funding from £300 to £20,000 and can support your project for up to two years. You can apply for funding to deliver a new or existing activity or to support your organisation to change and adapt to new and future challenges. They can fund projects that’ll do at least one of these things: - bring people together to build strong relationships in and across communities - improve the places and spaces that matter to communities - help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage - support people, communities and organisations facing more demands and challenges because of the cost-of-living crisis.

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The Clothworkers’ Foundation – Small Grants

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £15,000


The Foundation award grants to UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organisations (including special schools). Grants are awarded towards capital projects, which they define as: - Buildings: purchase, construction, renovation or refurbishment. - Fittings, Fixtures, and Equipment: this includes but is not limited to office equipment/furniture, sports/gym equipment, digital/audio visual equipment, software and websites (more guidance on digital infrastructure can be found here), garden equipment, specialist therapeutic (excluding medical) equipment. It does not include equipment for one-off use, or which will be given to service users for personal use on a permanent basis. - Vehicles: This includes a minibus, car, caravan, people-carrier, or 4X4. We are unlikely to fund the total cost of a new vehicle and do not provide grants towards vehicle leasing. They fund both large and small projects.

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The Clothworkers’ Foundation – Large Grant

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £15,000 - £150,000


The Foundation award grants to UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organisations (including special schools). Grants are awarded towards capital projects, which they define as: - Buildings: purchase, construction, renovation or refurbishment. - Fittings, Fixtures, and Equipment: this includes but is not limited to office equipment/furniture, sports/gym equipment, digital/audio visual equipment, software and websites (more guidance on digital infrastructure can be found here), garden equipment, specialist therapeutic (excluding medical) equipment. It does not include equipment for one-off use, or which will be given to service users for personal use on a permanent basis. - Vehicles: This includes a minibus, car, caravan, people-carrier, or 4X4. We are unlikely to fund the total cost of a new vehicle and do not provide grants towards vehicle leasing. They fund both large and small projects.

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BBC Children in Need

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Average £15,000


BBC Children in Need support organisations that work in the heart of their communities, particularly in times of crisis, put children and young people at the centre of everything they do, from design to delivery, address the challenges the children and young people face, build their skills and resilience, empower them and extend their choices in life.

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Bernard Sunley Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Varies


The Bernard Sunley Foundation supports capital projects which include new buildings, extensions, refurbishments and recreational spaces. New minibuses and other vehicles that provide a vital service to those most in need in their local community. Applications are accepted all year round.

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The Morrisons Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £10,000


The funding is for specific projects which make a difference to people’s lives, with special consideration for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Morrisons colleagues act as ambassadors for the Foundation and help to raise awareness at a local level, encourage charities to apply for funding and organise presentations.

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National Lottery Community Fund: Climate Action Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: min £500,000


The Climate Action Fund is a commitment to help communities tackle climate change. It supports communities to be environmentally sustainable. With Climate Action Fund – Our Shared Future the NLCF wants to involve more people in climate action. And they want to inspire bold and exciting change. They will fund formal partnership projects that reach more people by either: - linking climate action to the everyday lives and interests of local communities. And inspiring them to take action. - influencing communities at a regional or national level. Like linking up groups across locations. Or a campaign that inspires change across one country, or the whole UK. You do not have to be a climate or environment focused organisation to apply.

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Department of Health and Social Care – Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £750


Grants are available for community organisations across England to buy an automated external defibrillators (AED) to install in a public place.

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Garfield Weston Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £1,000,000


The Garfield Weston Foundation supports a wide range of charities that make a positive difference, working in different sectors in the UK. These include welfare, youth, community, environment, education, health, arts, heritage and faith.

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Seven Friends Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £300 - £3,000


The Seven Friends Foundation offers small grants to organisations championing overlooked, unpopular, or stigmatised causes. Their mission includes fostering inclusive local communities by empowering marginalised individuals, enhancing skills, infrastructure, sustainability, and fostering collaboration within the third sector.

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Henry Smith Foundation: Grants to reduce social and economic disadvantage

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £500 - £70,000


The Allen Lane Foundation offers three open grant programs: Improving Lives supports small to medium-sized organizations in the UK, Strengthening Communities aids grassroots groups in deprived areas, and Holiday Grants provide trips for disadvantaged children aged 13 and under.

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Village halls small grants fund – ACRE

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £2,000 - £5,000


The £3 million grant fund, launched by the government in May 2022 for the Queen's Jubilee, provides £2,000 to £5,000 grants for rural community building improvements in England, covering up to 20% of project costs. Applications require confirmed funding for proposed works within six weeks, and the fund is expected to be open until December 2024, subject to possible early closure.

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Foyle Foundation

Closing Date: 31/01/2025

Amount: £2,000 - £10,000


This Small Grants Scheme is designed to support charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Online applications can be accepted from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000 per annum. Larger or national charities will normally not be considered under this scheme. The focus will be to make one-year grants only to cover core costs or essential equipment, to enable ongoing service provision, homeworking, or delivery of online digital services to charities that can show financial stability. The priority will be to support local charities still active in their communities which are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community either directly or through online support if possible.

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Police Crime Commissioner for Cheshire: SWAP Fund

Closing Date: 01/02/2025

Amount: Up to £1,000/Up to £5,000


Dan has set aside £150,000 from Proceeds of Crime (POCA) to fund community projects across the county through his SWAP Fund. The fund aims to tackle crime at its root cause, turning criminal money into positive action. Community groups can apply for 'Express Grants' up to £1,000 or alternatively apply for a 'Main Grant' of up to £5,000, funding projects that will make a real difference in their communities.

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