

– At CWVA, we manage different funding pots to help distribute grants to community sector organisations.

We also signpost organisations to the funding opportunities available locally and nationally. Below is a list of funding pots that are currently open for applications.

Anne Duchess of Westminster Fund

Closing Date: 20/09/2024

Amount: Up to £1,000


Small charities, voluntary and community organisations in west Cheshire are eligible to apply for a micro grant of up to £1,000 each for costs towards projects or activities supporting adults on one or more of the following themes: * Mental health and wellbeing * Community projects in disadvantaged areas * Isolation and loneliness * Learning, training and employment opportunities * Ill health and disability

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Sanctuary Partnerships Funding

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £2,000


Charities, community groups, residents’ associations and voluntary organisations can apply for funding. Average grant is £2000 Match funding is required Funding must be spent by 31 March 2025. Projects will fit within one of Sanctuary's five priority themes, which are: - Employment, education, skills and training - Health and Well Being - Community safety and Infrastructure - Environment - ‎Financial inclusion

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