

– At CWVA, we manage different funding pots to help distribute grants to community sector organisations.

We also signpost organisations to the funding opportunities available locally and nationally. Below is a list of funding pots that are currently open for applications.

The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation

Closing Date: 31/10/2024

Amount: Up to £6,000


Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation aims to improve the wellbeing, welfare and education of children and adults in communities throughout the UK by making donations of up to £6,000 to registered charities.

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7 Stars Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £2,500


The foundation makes grants to projects which support young people (16 years and under) who are challenged by abuse or addiction, who are young carers, or who are homeless/without a safe place to call home.

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The Albert Hunt Trust

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: £20,000-£40,000/£5,000-£10,000/£1,000-£5,000


Supports UK registered charities (not CICs) that: Provide Hospice Care – core funding of hospices is a priority. Typical grant sizes range from £20,000-£40,000. Currently closed to capital funding. Provide support for the Homeless – typical core funding grant sizes range from £5,000-£10,000. They look to support organisations in this category with an annual fundraised income (non-statutory) of below £500,000. Currently closed to capital funding. Promote Health and Well-Being – core funding for areas such as family support e.g. Home Start, counselling services, suicide prevention, specific carers support, cancer support, prisoner support and rehabilitation, community centres, food banks and debt advice. Typical grant sizes range from £1000-£5,000. They look to support organisations in this category with a total annual income of below £250,000. As this is a broad area, potential applicants are encouraged to contact them prior to applying for further guidance.

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Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Discretionary


The funding is for charitable work that supports the Foundation's current priorities.

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Cost of Living Resilience Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £50,000


The Cost of Living Resilience Fund provides match funding for social sector organisations running services to help people struggling with the rising cost of living. The fund aims to increase sustainability in these organisations by supporting them to deliver projects which increase enterprise activity to build organisational stability and resilience. The programme is funded by Access – The Foundation for Social Investment who focus on ensuring charities and social enterprises can access the finance they need.

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