

– At CWVA, we manage different funding pots to help distribute grants to community sector organisations.

We also signpost organisations to the funding opportunities available locally and nationally. Below is a list of funding pots that are currently open for applications.

LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund

Closing Date: 21/11/2024

Amount: £100 to £25,000


Thanks to further funding from The National Lottery Community Fund - the largest community funder in the UK, Consortium and its Community Partners are delighted to deliver the second round of the LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund. This Fund has been enabled thanks to National Lottery players and will focus on supporting user-led LGBT+ organisations based in England, who are working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities.

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Sport England – Movement Fund

Closing Date: 31/12/2024

Amount: Up to £15,000


The funding aims to get more people active and increase sports participation across England. Priority will be given to projects where there is the most need.

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