
News - Providing funding for creative projects


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With a grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), Cheshire West Voluntary Action (CWVA) has distributed £56,000 to community sector organisations through the Building on Recovery Arts Grants programme.

CWVA has worked closely with Cheshire West and Chester Council and Cheshire West Voluntary Arts Network (CWVAN) on the programme, which supports creative projects or activities aimed at supporting the following groups.

  • Children and young people
  • Older people
  • People with disabilities
  • Young people who aren’t in education, employment or training (NEET)
  • People in deprived areas
  • People in rural parts of west Cheshire

More than 20 different organisations have received funding to support residents across west Cheshire.

Gary Cliffe, Chief Executive of CWVA, said: “We were delighted to receive UKSPF funding to manage this grants programme for creative projects and activities.

“Managing funding pots is such an important part of what we do at CWVA, helping make sure community organisations can access grants to continue doing what they do best.

“I’d encourage any community organisations to keep an eye on the latest funding opportunities available through CWVA, as well as other funds we can signpost you to.”

Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council, added: “With the support of the CWVA team, it’s fantastic that such a wide range of organisations have been able to access funding through this grants programme.

“We’ve seen over the last couple of years, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic, the real difference that creative projects and activities can make to people.”

CWVA is also delivering the Building Capacity, Increasing Impact project alongside Cheshire Community Action (CCA) and Cheshire West Communities Together (CWCT), aiming to support voluntary organisations to become more financially viable and resilient and develop the skills of volunteers.

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