
Event - 2 day Mental Health First Aid Accredited -Tues/Wed 17th/18th December

09:30 - 17:00

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Develop a greater awareness of what mental health is and how Mental Health First Aid Skills can help in a crisis, the different types of mental health issues and an understanding of their effects.

• Triggers and Causes of mental health difficulties/ or declines in mental health, that may steer someone towards a downward spiral.

• How to identify early warning signs and red flags of a possible mental health issue.

• Once identified, how to offer initial support and signposting towards appropriate treatment.

• Tools and strategies useful for stabilising and maintaining mental health wellbeing in yourself and others.

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2 day Mental Health First Aid Accredited -Tues/Wed 17th/18th December

Develop a greater awareness of what mental health is and how Mental Health First Aid Skills can help in a crisis, the different types of mental health issues and an understanding of their effects.

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CWVA Training/Event

09:30 - 17:00

First Aid Workshop

This free first aid workshop aims to empower learners with basic first aid skills essential for the workplace. This workshop is unaccredited but there will be a certificate of attendance.

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CWVA Training/Event

10:00 - 12:00

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