
News - Do you want to be involved with the Kickstart scheme?


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The Government launched the Kickstart scheme last month as part of its Plan For Jobs.

The scheme aims to create hundreds and thousands of new, fully funded jobs for 16 to 24-year-olds across England, Scotland and Wales.

For each job placement, funding will cover:

  • 100 per cent of the relevant Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week for six months
  • associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions.

There will also be extra funding to support young people build their experience and help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart scheme funded job.

The job placements created with the Kickstart scheme must be new jobs. They mustn’t:

  • replace existing or planned vacancies
  • cause existing employees to lose or reduce their employment.

To register for the scheme, an individual organisation must be able to offer a minimum of 30 jobs. Cheshire West Voluntary Action (CWVA) recognises many of our members agreeing to offer 30 new jobs is beyond their capacity, but we also see the potential to give local young people a boost and an opportunity for our sector to make a real difference.

We’re exploring how we can best make this happen. There’s an opportunity for one or more of our members to form a consortium and be paid to provide the scheme, thinking creatively and flexibly as to how it could work. We’d like to know what you think.

We plan to provide further information at a network event later in the month, but time is of the essence and we’d like to discover the level of interest as soon as possible. We’ve put together a short survey and, if there’s enough interest, we’ll come back to you for the next stage, especially if you want to create jobs or be part of the consortium.

If you want to discuss the opportunity further, please call Gary Cliffe, CWVA Co Chair: 07799 837030.

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