
Joanne Stanton - Senior Development Officer

Joanne specialises in governance and funding but, in reality, she does a little bit of everything at CWVA.

Every day is a different challenge for Joanne. She’s worked for CWVA since 2011 and had a number of different roles, including managing the Cheshire Enterprising Women project, providing ongoing development support to all the projects funded by Brightlife, and most recently supporting the work of the Welcome Network.

She would definitely encourage anyone to work in the community sector. Joanne has worked in every sector, but she’s happiest in this one as it reflects her values and allows her to use her skills to make a difference.

In her spare time, Joanne loves going to the theatre, ballet and opera with friends, enjoys yoga and nature walks, fundraising for RSPCA Wirral and she is a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

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