
Event - Positive Bystander Training

10:00 - 12:00

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Every day events unfold around us and we are all bystanders. At times events around us might make us feel uncomfortable, we might witness discrimination, harassment or bullying. When this happens, we can choose to say or do something, be an active bystander, or to simply let it go and remain a passive bystander.

When we intervene, we signal to the perpetrator and any observers that their actions are unacceptable, and if such messages are constantly reinforced within our communities, we can shift the boundaries of what is considered acceptable behaviour.

Intervention might be as simple as choosing not to laugh at a ‘joke’ that is racist or undermines someone, challenging a Facebook post or offering support to friends after an incident you witness.

This session will help you know what to do if these things happen and when to support fellow colleagues or members of the public safely and appropriately.

Organised by Cheshire West Voluntary Action.

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